Half Century Option B


Option B route will start at 9:00 a.m. in Mtn. Home Inn & Store the gateway to the  High Uintahs. This route rides 25 miles into Upper Still Water Dam and through the breathtaking Rock Creek Canyon. At the dam there will be a refueling station. On the return to Mtn. Home you will be served a catered lunch.


This option is ideal for those who would like a challenging 50 mile ride.


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Half Century Option A


Option A route will start at 8:00 a.m. at the Tabiona Park and Rodeo grounds. You will ride along the Duschense River passing through a small farming commuinty. Then you will arrive at the Duschense Park where there will be a refueling station available. On the return into Tabiona there will be served a catered lunch.


This option is ideal for a relaxing 50 mile ride.  


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25 Mile ride

This ride starts at 9:00 a.m. at Mtn. Home Inn & Store the Gateway to the High Uintahs. You ride through back country passing the Twin Pot Lakes shortly after you will arive at stunning Moon Lake. There will be snacks/lunch served at Moon Lake and Mtn. Home.


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Course Description / Maps

ALL courses have minimal traffic



Century Ride


This ride starts at 8:00 a.m. at the Tabiona Park and Rodeo grounds. You will ride along the Duschense River passing through a small farming community. Then you will arrive at Mtn. Home the gateway to the High Uintahs. You will ride through the back country passing the Twin Pot Lakes and shortly after arrive at the stunning Moon Lake, where there you will be served lunch. You will return to Tabiona for a catered dinner.


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lotoja prep 150 mile ride


This ride starts at 7:00 a.m. or 8:00 am at the Tabiona Park and Rodeo grounds. You will ride along the Duschense River passing through a small farming community. Then you will arrive at Mtn. Home the gateway to the High Uintahs. There you will go into Stillwater Dam come back out return to Mtn. Home have lunch. Go past Mtn Home You will ride through the back country passing the Twin Pot Lakes and shortly after arrive at the stunning Moon Lake. You will return to Tabiona for a catered dinner.


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